Your (Fun) Tax Filing Survival Guide

Unless your business is tax filing, you most likely dread tax season!

Every late winter-early spring, it’s a mad dash of numbers, papers, and triple-checking everything!

But filing taxes doesn't have to be daunting, contrary to popular opinion.

Here are some helpful tips to make the process a bit more enjoyable:

Treat yourself to a fun new pen or notebook

Who said you HAD to use an HB pencil and a run-of-the-mill spiral notebook? Get prepared by purchasing a fun pen or a nice notebook. They can have cool designs, be from a movie or television show you like, or even just look pretty! The important thing to remember is that you look forward to using them, which will help put you in the right mindset for the task ahead.

Turn up the tunes and get into a groove while you work

It’s all about the atmosphere! If you need a little noise to be productive (I’m looking at you, Spotify playlist and Netflix enjoyers), why should working on your taxes be any different? You can even take it a step further and create a playlist specific to your tax filing session(s). Never underestimate the power of music!

Take breaks to stretch your legs and get a snack

No one should sit at their desk for hours without taking ample, meaningful breaks. Your eyes will begin to feel heavy, you’ll feel like it’s hard to concentrate, and trying to make progress will feel like pulling teeth. We want to avoid all of that, so determine your on/off times. For example, you could work for 1 hour and then take a 15-minute break or longer. The important thing is to listen to your mind and body and take a step back when you need it.

Keep a good sense of humour

Mistakes happen! The best way to deal with them is a little laughter. Putting yourself down and getting frustrated isn’t going to help you finish filing your taxes any faster, and if anything, it will hinder you further. Showing yourself some kindness and humility will help to diffuse the negative feeling you have toward having to correct the mistake. And remember, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t make mistakes

Make a game out of it

No one said tax filing had to be boring. Figure out a way to make a game out of it. You could create a D&D tax filing session. The sky is the limit; put a little fun into it.

Reach out for help

Whether business or personal taxes, everyone needs a little help now and then. The good news is that there are people who have dedicated their careers to helping people with their taxes! Hiring a tax professional is a great way to receive expert advice or outsource the task completely. 

Reward yourself with something special

When it’s all said and done, treat yourself! Take yourself out for a nice lunch or dinner, get a massage, go to the movies, etc. Tax filing is stressful, so your reward should be anything that helps you destress and brings you joy.

Tax filing doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, and using these tips will help you reframe your process for the better!

Have a tax question? Book a Tax Filing Assistance “Ask a Bookkeeper” session with me and let’s talk about it!


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