Your (Fun) Tax Filing Survival Guide
Unless your business is tax filing, you most likely dread tax season!
Every late winter-early spring, it’s a mad dash of numbers, papers, and triple-checking everything!
But filing taxes doesn't have to be daunting, contrary to popular opinion.
Here are some helpful tips to make the process a bit more enjoyable:
Canadian Tax Deadlines and Important Dates for 2025
I’ve put together a list of some of the core dates to keep track of for the 2025 Tax Year.
Here are the dates you should mark on your calendar for 2025:
End-of-Year Reminders for Your Business
Before you log off for 2024, there are a few things you should check are completed!
The end-of-year means review, review, review (and prepare)!
Specifically, what are you meant to review and prepare? From one business owner to another, take a sigh of relief because I’ve put together the big ones.
How to Start a Business in Canada Checklist, 2022
Although the process will differ depending on the type of business you want to start, some steps of starting a new business in Canada remain fundamentally the same. We created this resource for Canadian Businesses and entrepreneurs who are looking for guidance through the startup phase of business.
Best Tax Reduction Practices For Businesses
It can often feel like your business is paying a lot of money in taxes, that’s why it’s your responsibility to learn what you can do to reduce them when possible. As a business owner, you want to do what you can to help your business thrive, even during tax season. So, here are some of the best tax reduction practices you can learn for your business.
Guide to GST and HST for Businesses
When it comes to running a business and doing its taxes, there is a lot to figure out. - What’s the difference between GST and HST? - When do you start charging GST/HST? - What do you do with the GST/HST that you’ve collected?
Read on for answers to all these questions! The blog is here to guide you through GST and HST for businesses.