Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

How to Find and Keep Great Talent in a Competitive Market

Your reputation is more than just how your clients and prospective clients see you, it’s also how potential employees and team members see you.

Your reputation as a business encompasses your reputation as an employer, arguably one of the most crucial parts of owning and running a business. 

Do you know what your reputation as an employer is? If you read that question and are sitting there with furrowed brows or a good ol’ “confusion face”, you need to find out.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Your (Fun) Tax Filing Survival Guide

Unless your business is tax filing, you most likely dread tax season!

Every late winter-early spring, it’s a mad dash of numbers, papers, and triple-checking everything!

But filing taxes doesn't have to be daunting, contrary to popular opinion.

Here are some helpful tips to make the process a bit more enjoyable:

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Sustainability Practices for Small Businesses

What is the true cost of doing business?

We know what it costs us to produce and sell our products and services, but there’s another piece of the puzzle that business owners need to consider. Arguably, it should’ve been considered long ago during industrialization but there’s no time like the present.

The real question then becomes, “What does my business cost the planet?”

And then the follow-up question is “How do I go from costing the planet to helping the planet?”

Here are a few simple yet effective ways you can practice sustainability in your business and reduce your carbon footprint:

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

3 Ways to Reduce Spending in Your Business (without Losing Your Quality) 

The times are changing, and our economy is too, more than we’d like.

Simple things like groceries are now becoming unaffordable, which is a “need” spend, not a want.

So what happens to our businesses during these ebbs and flows? Well, for one, we get creative.

And then, we re-evaluate.

There are a few things to review that are low-effort but make a massive impact on our businesses, and I’ve put together a short list of the essentials.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

End-of-Year Reminders for Your Business

Before you log off for 2024, there are a few things you should check are completed!

The end-of-year means review, review, review (and prepare)!

Specifically, what are you meant to review and prepare? From one business owner to another, take a sigh of relief because I’ve put together the big ones.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Ask a Bookkeeper: Why You Would Not Incorporate Part 2

There’s always give and take when it comes to assessing the direction of your business, and I want to help you get the full picture to help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey!

Now, let’s discuss why you would not incorporate your business:

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Ask a Bookkeeper: Why You Would Incorporate Part 1

The most important factor to consider is whether incorporating your business will provide you with the most tax and legal benefits for your situation.

Generally, incorporating a business can provide certain legal protections and tax advantages such as limited personal liability, greater access to capital, etc.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Investing in Employee Development: The Why and the How

As an employer, you must ensure your business and your team are adapting and growing with the times, or else the market will outgrow you.

Yes, it’s a scary thought, but true. However, investing in your team is a key way to facilitate that growth through training and upskilling. Now, how you do that will be different than how I do that, but what is universally important is that you DO IT.

Here’s why it is absolutely essential and how you should approach professional development in your business.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Little Ways I Bring Joy to My Work Day

We all need some joy in our lives, especially while we’re working!

I love being a business owner, and I love helping my clients, but some days you need a pick-me-up because things are too stressful.

This is why I’m sharing a few ways I add joy throughout my work days to show you how simple, impactful actions can give you the energy or the mood boost you need to get through your day!

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

10 Things to Do When You're Getting Audited

Audits happen, they’re normal, and they’re just a way to make sure everything is as it should be.

While it is tedious and frustrating, there are 10 key things that you can do to ensure you don’t feel like you’re losing control while being audited. So, let’s calm your nerves and go over the 10 things you need to do when you are getting audited.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Your Business and DEI: Where Do You Sit?

You CAN sit with us. That’s what diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is all about.

Your policies, your processes, and your practices should allow everyone the opportunity to have a seat at the table, as well as be supported and uplifted within your business.

At its core, it’s about removing barriers that hinder and exclude your employees, barriers reinforced through the systems that we live in day in and day out.

So, we’re going to break each concept down and give you a start to examining your business through a DEI lens.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

How to Keep it Cool this Summer with Your Bookkeeping

As the sun shines brighter and the days get longer, Canadian business owners might find themselves drawn to outdoor activities and vacations. However, amidst the summer fun, it's crucial to keep your business's financial health in check.

Effective bookkeeping ensures that your business stays on track even during the summer months.

Here are some summer time bookkeeping tips tailored for Canadian entrepreneurs:

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

How I Manage My Time

As business owners, it feels like that statement is true to the umpteenth degree.

Being glued to my desk at all points in time isn’t sustainable, it’s also not healthy for my sanity.

So it’s important to prioritize, like making an entire day unavailable to take meetings, setting boundaries and booking time off in advance.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

The 5 Tips You Need for Writing Your Business Plan

A business isn’t something you can just “wing” for a lot of reasons, one of those being funding, which is quite critical in the early development stages. It is important throughout your business owner journey, but we’re talking about the beginning when you have no money and are figuring out how to get started.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Coping and Persevering Through Failure as a Business Owner

As much as we share our successes and our milestones, one of the things I don’t see too much about is our failures.

Failure is a big word, it feels scary because it is scary that we live in a culture of shame, to be told to only let people see us “win” when the most human thing we can do is fail.

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Green Business Practices: Sustainability Initiatives for Your Business

Let’s get real, the importance of sustainability in business cannot be overstated.

From reducing carbon emissions to promoting social equity and preserving natural resources, businesses play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future.

These are 3 simple and effective ways you can incorporate environmentally sustainable practices into your business (and beyond)!

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

How I Handle and Correct Mistakes That Happen

Making mistakes is human, we’re people, and at some point, we are going to screw up.

In our careers, at our jobs, sometimes we are going to make a mistake, some big, some small.

How do we handle that?

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