Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Sustainability Practices for Small Businesses

What is the true cost of doing business?

We know what it costs us to produce and sell our products and services, but there’s another piece of the puzzle that business owners need to consider. Arguably, it should’ve been considered long ago during industrialization but there’s no time like the present.

The real question then becomes, “What does my business cost the planet?”

And then the follow-up question is “How do I go from costing the planet to helping the planet?”

Here are a few simple yet effective ways you can practice sustainability in your business and reduce your carbon footprint:

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Erika Dowell Erika Dowell

Green Business Practices: Sustainability Initiatives for Your Business

Let’s get real, the importance of sustainability in business cannot be overstated.

From reducing carbon emissions to promoting social equity and preserving natural resources, businesses play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future.

These are 3 simple and effective ways you can incorporate environmentally sustainable practices into your business (and beyond)!

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